or, our method

The production method of our extra virgin olive oil is the result of experience gained over the course of a time that has seen us assiduously linked to this food and to the breeding of the plants from which it is obtained. Our oleosophy is a melting pot in which agricultural techniques and miller culture converge, without neglecting the commercial ethos and an attitude aimed at research and constant self-improvement.


The production cycle begins with pruning which, although integrated with the aid of motor saws, still continues today to be practiced with traditional means, axes and scissors. The olive tree is the object of special attention during this process, depending on the interventions to be made. The complexity of this art is revealed in the different forms of pruning, the various breeding techniques that can be carried out on the plant, as well as the delicate rejuvenation operations to be practiced on the ancient olive trees.

In between the two moments of pruning and harvesting are the phases of plowing and defense against adversity, the importance of which, compared to the former, is by no means secondary. In particular, the phytosanitary defense interventions of our company were in the past conducted according to the integrated method to then arrive at the organic method, first de facto and later with certification.


The harvesting phase is never conducted according to purely banàusic criteria, but following careful monitoring of the ripening of the drupes. This meticulous work is usually carried out between the months of September and October, for the observation, and between mid-October and the end of December, for the collection. An early harvest, with the fruit still green, allows for a less fat oil to be obtained, which can be stored for a long time. The olives, harvested by hand and mechanical picking, are transported to the mill in perforated plastic boxes, designed to ensure correct air circulation. Here the milling takes place, in a period of time that never exceeds twenty-four hours.

Squeezing is the crucial moment in oil production. What is appropriate for a quality product is strictly cold and continuous cycle, techniques in which all mechanical processes (hammer pressing, kneading, extraction) do not exceed a temperature of 27°. Fulfilling this phase according to correct and never improvised methods allows you to counteract the early onset of peroxides and therefore rancidity. Filtration is practiced according to a natural method of decantation and decanting, to avoid the use of special machines.

Conservation takes place in stainless steel containers, a material that ensures the maximum degree of inalterability of the oil.

In the constant exercise of these practices our oleosophy is continually renewed, a know-how based on solidly built experience and a spontaneous aptitude for quality.

To define an extra virgin olive oil it is necessary to consider the content of free fatty acids present in it. This content indicates a parameter known as oil acidity. The extra virgin category includes only oils that have a fatty acid content of no more than 0.8 g per 100 g. Obviously this parameter varies from year to year, strongly influenced by weather conditions, the presence of diseases and parasite attacks during the cycle and so on. Nonetheless, every year we offer an oil that never exceeds 0.5 in acidity.


Among the varieties of Olea europaea (L., 1753) the Ogliarola Garganica is an endemic variant, therefore widespread exclusively in the territory of the Sperone, obtained in ancient times through the breeding of wild olive trees that grew spontaneously everywhere. Its yields are on average high, often exceeding 20%.

The fruitiness, i.e. the set of all the sensory perceptions that evoke the fruit picked at the right moment in the flavour, is delicate-intense, bitter and moderately spicy, with a predominant aroma of almond and slight notes of leaves and artichoke.

© OlioBiscotti - C.da Coppitella 32 - 71019 Vieste (FG)
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